by | Nov 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
I loooove to jump for joy and there is something I enjoy even more… Jumping for health! I love to move my body because I always feel better and I get that not all movement has the same benefits. In this Facebook video, I share one of my most favorite kind of...
by | Nov 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
I can help. As the Conscious Living Strategist™ , I offer you: – Holistic Healing and Healthy Home Techniques – Nutrition and Body Wisdom Strategies – Weight Loss, Picky Eater, and Pain Solutions Isn’t it time to start thriving? Isn’t it time to...
by | Oct 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
After my divorce, I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and my doc. wanted to put me on meds. I was in pretty poor shape so you can imagine that the advice had some appeal. However, I had enough wherewithal to remember that nature always has s solution and more...
by | Jun 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
Drinking celery juice is foundational to creating a healthy gut and has countless other benefits. I am asking all my clients to add this succulent gorgeous hued drink to their morning ritual. Why? My hero Anthony Williams says, “If people knew all the potent healing...
by | Nov 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
Many of my clients find it initially difficult to not overeat at the holiday dinner table. I have so been there and yet, I know that it is possible to walk away from the experience feeling satisfied, not stuffed. The holiday table is definitely about indulgence...