Doing Good Feels Delicious

Doing Good Feels Delicious

My time is parceled out to things that are in line with my value system and that give me joy and meaning. One of the things I like to do is research new initiatives that I find interesting.  The latest? I just learned about “bottle schools.” Bottle schools are...
Eating for Optimal Health, Part I

Eating for Optimal Health, Part I

People always ask me what type of “diet” is the best. When I use the word “diet” I don’t mean the kind where you restrict and count calories. I am using it to refer to the style of eating that best describes those things that you habitually consume.  When people...
My Cornucopia of Consumption

My Cornucopia of Consumption

I admit it! I am a consumer but I am a conscious consumer. Some people think this is an oxymoron and I think it is impossible not to consume. We can consume less and we can consume the best things based on our values but no one living on the planet can have zero...

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