One of my passions is nutrition. I love gorgeous beautiful tasty food that is also nutrient dense. You probably got that by now:)!

I believe in all people having equal access to the same great food regardless of income or location. That is why I donate real organic food that has lots of nutrition to the food bank. We all deserve to eat the best of the best and do you know what I love even more than that?
I have been manifesting a company that has all the pieces that make for a great socially responsible outfit that offers access to the best food for ALL. I am thrilled to report that I have done just that. The companies name is Aggressive Organics.
They popped up in my Facebook newsfeed and I was drawn to their ad like a child to mud and water. I realized immediately that using AO’s system is going to be one of my major nutrition strategies, especially for those that aren’t willing or able to spend money on the best food available.
Hooray for solutions!
You see, I have been broke wondering how I was going to continue to purchase great food versus that which is usually unhealthy and has an artificially low sticker price. I am a single parent for goodness sake. When I left my kid’s dad, I left with barely anything leaving some clothes, furniture, the car, and the house behind. Because I have what I have, I was able to pull through and get back on my feet but not everyone has what I have. I am very conscious about helping others have access to nutritious food and I like to not spending more than I have to too.
I will be ordering my first batch of indoor year-round plants and I will make a video once they arrive to share my experience using their system. IT DOESN’T GET MORE LOCAL THAN THIS.
Can you imagine how many more fruits, vegetables, and herbs you would eat if you could harvest them directly from your kitchen counter year round? I am all about making delicious living economic, easy, and convenient and it just so happens that doing so, in this case, is being delivered by a socially and environmentally responsible company. Double hooray!!
Are you hungry to spend less money and gain more access to delicious and nutritious food? I know I am!
So check out AO and let me know what you think.
Here is how it works. You purchase reusable cardboard planters, pods, and seeds. You can either do a victory garden or a build your own. Check out the AO site by clicking on the bold above and choose a path. Once they arrive, decide where they will and their light system will go and put your garden together via the assembling instructions. If I can do it, believe me, so can you. Add the pods and solutions and water once. In 1-2 weeks you will have something to eat and the plant will continue to replenish itself. Eat a lot!
These plants yield 4-5 times more than what you can get from the store for the same price so although you get to put money up front, in the end, you will save a ton.
nutritionstrategies livedeliciously foodjusticesolution gainaccesstothebestfood
Life-Enhancing Lemon Water
Many of us are chronically dehydrated, but that doesn’t have to be so.
Many of us drink tap or bottled water, which I don’t recommend, as it has lost its natural living structure, has contaminants in it, etc.
When you add freshly squeezed lemon juice, you “wake up” the water and it comes back to life, allowing it to go more deeply and carry the essential nutrients and compounds you need in order to thrive.

Lemon water is also wonderful for weight loss, supporting the immune system and digestive tract, alkalinizing the body, controlling high blood pressure, slowing down aging, detoxifying, purifying the blood, and regulating body temperature.
Lemon water is particularly helpful for the digestive tract and can relieve constipation, nausea, and even parasites. Lemon water is also good for the cardiovascular and muscular system making it an ideal sports drink.
Life-Enhancing Lemon Water
1 tsp. of fresh ginger root or more, grated
16 ounces of filtered water (I purchased 16-ounce mason jars for efficiency)
½ fresh lemon juice (save the pulp and throw in smoothies)
1 tablespoon raw honey, local if possible
Preparation: Grate the ginger into a mason jar. Add water, lemon juice, and honey. Stir or blend if needed. Sip throughout the day or first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (wait at least 15 minutes before consuming food or drink).
Nutritional Nugget: You don’t have to add the ginger and honey, and they do enhance this already gorgeous drink. Ginger, among other things, is an immune booster and honey is “…saturated with more than 200,000 undiscovered phytochemical compounds and agents, including pathogen-killers, phytochemicals that protect you from radiation damage, and anti-cancerous phytochemicals.”
For more nutritional nuggets and recipes check out my book. It’s not just for families with picky eaters.
#nutritionstrategies #livedeliciously #ignitethehealingmechanism #supportthebodysoitrepairsitself #lettherealyoucometothesurface #medicalmedium #davidavocadowolfe #awakenyourmind #energizeyourbody
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