I am an advocate of eating fruit. It is incredibly hydrating and packed full of nutrition depending upon the source and variety. Fruit is a great choice if you are looking to add a sweet element to your diet that comes direct from nature and easy to digest.
Out of all the options I can easily say that I absolutely adore mangoes as does my kid. We enjoy eating them right out of their skin, dried, or added to a colorful smoothie. There is no doubt that they simply are the sexiest fruit around. They are sweet, juicy, and have the most delicious, fleshy appeal. You can nibble the fruit, sip the sweet nectar, or apply the flesh to your skin. They are cooling, invigorating, and oh so tasty!

But what makes them super sexy? They are rich in life-giving ingredients including fiber, folic acid, anti-oxidants, potassium, and Vitamins A, B-6, C, and E and they support the alkali reserve of the body. So get them in your diet any which way you can. They add lovely texture and flavor to salsa, salad, and curry dishes.
The most scandalous way to eat one is by placing a small mango delicately between your hands and kneading it until it is soft, about 10 minutes. Then when the mango is ready to burst, bit of the top and squeeze the juice directly into your mouth. Savor the flavor as long as you can by drinking slowly.
Extracting the fruit can sometimes be a challenge so I include a video link below for your enjoyment and remember to say when asked, “mango me baby.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ8y843RknMmangoes sexyfruit antioxidants ledzeppelin