Many years ago I started developing tiny red bumps on my triceps. They didn’t bother me at first, but as the years passed I started developing these same bumps on my outer thighs and butt. I was able to control their “roughness” by using a luffa extra hard on the areas in question. Using a luffa to remove dead skin cells is a good practice to have in any case I reasoned but the effectiveness decreased after a year or so. Recently the bumps have become more pronounced and have started to move down my legs. Not ok since I am single and at some point, I will start dating again.
I recognize that this isn’t the biggest problem a person could have and at the same time I knew it was a clear sign that something in my body wasn’t working correctly. I thought, “I eat well, get great sleep, move my body, have practices to positively respond to stress, have a coach, am a coach, detox regularly and haven’t been to any foreign countries lately so what could it be?”
It was clear that I needed some professional advice so I seeked out the help of my wonderful Naturopath who took one look and said that I needed to start taking digestive enzymes to encourage better absorption. She recommended a product called Similase by Integrative that seems to be pretty decent as far as pills go.
I started taking them, not even regularly mind you, and the bumps are disappearing. When I rub coconut oil with my favorite essentials oils all over my body I am shocked at how smooth my butt feels. Someday, someone other than me, will notice but in the meantime, I can’t stop touching my beautiful butt!

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